Thomas Lane and Joe Alexander Koenig on board

 Called 911 from a restaurant called Cup Foods in Minneapolis, MN, USA. The call was made by the waiter of that restaurant. He said a man named George Floyd bought cigarettes at their restaurant and gave them a twenty dollar bill - it was fake money. He also said that the man was very drunk.


Moments later, a police car arrived with Thomas Lane and Joe Alexander Koenig on board. Lane pointed a gun at Floyd in the SUV and told him to put his hands on the steering wheel. Then, a minute and a half later, he was dragged out of the car and dragged to the wall of the restaurant for interrogation. 6 minutes later, while being driven to a police car, Floyd described his fear of claustrophobia.


So far it has been fairly normal. Later, two policemen appeared there. The true story begins when two inhuman policemen, Derek Chavin and Tu Thao, arrive there.


According to a video taken by witnesses and footage from nearby CCTV cameras, police officer Derek Chauvin started an altercation with George Floyd in the car. Kueng was in the back seat. At one point, Floyd was taken out of the car and laid on the sidewalk on the street. Cops Lane, Chavin and Kong catch George Floyd. 


Floyd began crying over his dead mother and children and repeatedly pleaded that he could not breathe. Floyd reported that he was "not breathing" a total of 16 times in 5 minutes to no avail.


People on the streets began protesting against Floyd's condition, especially Chavin repeatedly asking him to act but Chavin did not listen to anyone. Even the other Officer Lin didn't listen to him when he was asked to move twice. For 8 minutes and 46 seconds, Chavin held Floyd's neck on both knees.


Police officers first radioed in with the help of a Code 2 non-emergency medical team to report Floyd's facial injuries. Later, however, they sought help from the Code-3 emergency medical team. But the officers themselves took no action, even when Shaven Floyd was held for a minute after his death. 

Twenty minutes later the ambulance arrived. An EMT officer removed Chavin and checked Floyd's pulse. Floyd was then taken to an ambulance. After the ambulance left, the emergency medical team called the fire department for help, but the fire department personnel delayed the ambulance's arrival for another 5 minutes because the officers could not tell where the ambulance was.


Finally, the unfortunate death of George Floyd was announced at 9:45. The autopsy report stated that George Floyd died at the hands of the police; Also, George Floyd was already suffering from heart disease.


The actions of the four police officers throughout George Floyd's arrest were really questionable, for example, when Lane first got out of the car and proceeded to raise his gun. It is not clear why he took out the pistol. Also causing controversy is Derek Chauvin's knee on Floyd's neck, which is clearly illegal.


According to Minneapolis Police Department policy, this tactic could only be used when someone was making an actual obstruction, but Floyd did not object and instead wanted to get into the car as the officers asked him to. The video also shows that although Chavin was repeatedly asked to sit in the car, he never removed his knee from his neck. He only removed his knee from his neck after the EMTs arrived and told him to get up.


According to experts, the pressure on the face on the floor and the pressure on the knee on the neck directly leads to pressure on the chest, making it difficult to breathe. Most people think that this is the cause of George's death. The death of George Floyd in police custody sparked outrage in Minneapolis. The people of the city took to the streets to protest.


Meanwhile, as videos captured during the incident spread on the Internet, protests and demonstrations slowly spread across America. Statues of the famous sailor Christopher Columbus and Confederate generals were vandalized by angry mobs, as well as those of Edward Colston in Bristol. In addition, activists demanded that the American garrisons named after "Confederate generals" should be changed and their statues removed from the museum.


This was mainly because Confederate generals fought to support racism and slavery during the Civil War. Demonstrators demanded that idols of slave traders such as Christopher Columbus and William Colston be removed from school and university textbooks.


Four police officers involved in the killing of George Floyd were subsequently shot and arrested. Among them, Chavin was accused of murder and slaughter. Earlier, Derek Chauvin was charged with the shooting and another officer, Ho Tu Tao, was charged with hitting and hitting a man.


"Racism" has always been considered a sensitive issue in America, the land of Abraham Lincoln. Many people have been killed because of this issue before in the country. Frankly, the state has never shown much interest in abolishing this infamous orthodoxy that blacks often encounter. Such incidents have increased, especially under current President Donald Trump. The death of George Floyd showed once again how racism has spread like a bloodstream in every pore of this civilized country.

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