Symptoms and treatment of kidney disease

The human body has an excretory system. And its main part is kidney. Every part of the human body is equally important. But some organs play an important role in keeping the machine called our body functioning. Kidney is one of them. Kidneys filter all the waste materials from the blood in our body, purifying the blood. Our body has about 24 million filters in two kidneys.

One of the deadly diseases of the human body, from which people die, is various complications and diseases of the kidneys. So it is very important to know the symptoms and remedies of kidney disease to stay healthy and live well.

Before knowing the symptoms and remedies of kidney disease, let's know what kidney is? How do the kidneys work? When we know the function of an organ, we can easily know the causes of disease associated with it and the ways to cure it easily.

Kidneys are red and brown colored organs located on either side of the spinal column. Its shape is like a bean. Human body has two kidneys and each kidney is covered by a membrane called peritoneum.

How does it work?

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Numerous biochemical reactions take place in our human body. Contaminants produced by these reactions mix with the blood. The function of the kidney is to filter all these pollutants from the blood and purify the blood. Kidneys filter all the blood in our body 40 times a day.

The kidneys maintain the balance of electrolytes in the body, including sodium and potassium.

Now that we know how the kidneys work, we can easily understand the symptoms and remedies for kidney disease. Which will help us stay healthy.

What are the symptoms of kidney disease? | Symptoms of kidney disease

For ease of discussion, let us first inform you that kidney disease is called a silent killer because in many cases 50% of kidney damage occurs before symptoms appear. Another problem is that most of the time two kidneys fail at the same time. Therefore, all of us should be well aware of the symptoms and remedies of kidney disease and seek medical advice quickly if any minor symptoms occur.

There are many types of kidney disease. Symptoms also vary depending on the disease. So awareness is very important.

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